Bellagio Panchina Gigante


The project

The “Big Bench” of Bellagio-Civenna is a giant Big Bench, located in San Vincenzo di Civenna, from which you can enjoy a breathtaking view of the Lecco branch of Lake Como. The installation is created as part of the “Big Bench Community Project” (BBCP) by American artist/designer Chris Bangle.

The activities of the BBCP – of an exclusive non-profit nature – provide for both technical support to those who want to build a new official Big Bench, and collaboration with the excellence of local craftsmanship to create products inspired by them, which can give a little contribution to the local economy and tourism, in the sign of the positive spirit that the Big Benches bring to this area. A part of the proceeds from each sale, such as the donations made by those who build a new bench, are donated to the Municipalities involved and destined to support local communities.


The Big Bench is easily reachable from Bellagio by car or by bus ( line c36 Asso-Bellagio) or walking following the trekking itinerary n° 5 

Contacts and How to get there

Bellagio Panchina Gigante
Via San Vincenzo - Civenna - 22021 Bellagio CO
Lago di Como inLombardia Comune di Bellagio